
On Your Ballot: Rising costs and funding cliffs

Citing the expiration of federal stimulus support, declining enrollment, and an out-of-date state funding formula, some of the state’s largest school districts are turning to local voters for help with education levies on the May 7 ballot.

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EPA finalizes rules to clamp down on pollution from power plants

The U.S. The Environmental Protection Agency finalized rules that aim to reduce pollution associated with the combustion of fossil fuels for electricity. The new rules are anticipated to have major implications for Montana coal mines and the power plants they supply, including the state’s largest electricity generator located in Colstrip.

Unsheltered people are losing Medicaid in redetermination mix-ups

Tashya Evans is one of about 130,000 Montanans who have lost Medicaid coverage as the state reevaluates eligibility following a pause in disenrollments during the COVID-19 pandemic. About two-thirds of those who were kicked off state Medicaid rolls lost coverage for technical reasons, such as incorrectly filling out paperwork. That’s one of the highest procedural…


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