Latest Graying Pains Report

Telemedicine and Montana’s digital divide

Since launching in March, Telehealth Access for Seniors has raised $85,000 and donated 1,900 devices — some brand-new — to seniors and low-income people in 26 states. Alongside cofounder Aakshi Agarwal, Hannah’s classmate at Yale, Arjun and Hannah have coordinated the efforts of 315 volunteers, mostly students.

Montana is the oldest state west of the Mississippi and is growing older as more Montanans enter their senior years. The economic, cultural and personal impacts of that trend present the state with new challenges—and new opportunities for change. Graying Pains is a series of in-depth stories and broadcasts exploring how Montanans can improve with age.

Building community from the inside

“Her job has been connecting people to the resources they need. It is no longer just helping aging seniors in the Seeley Lake area. It is connecting anyone in need with the possible resources anywhere.”

How the world’s oldest nation cares for its elderly

Montana, the oldest state in the western United States, faces many of the same problems as Japan, the world’s oldest country. Might there be solutions for Montana from what looks to be a successful experiment enacted two decades ago to help pay for elder care in Japan?

Farm to future

Montana’s family farms and ranches face uncertainties as producers age toward retirement.

Aging into independence

A low-cost, high-benefit strength-training program offered through Montana State University Extension may be one solution for how seniors living in small towns can access a fitness program that will help them age well.


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