Yes, you’re welcome to republish articles and media originally produced and published by Montana Free Press. Expanding Montanans’ access to high-quality journalism is core to our mission. We appreciate you sharing the work with your readers. MTFP stories are published under a BY-NC-ND 3.0 US Creative Commons license. Here’s the legal code.


MTFP sometimes republishes stories and media that originated elsewhere and to which we have no authority to grant republication permission. These stories are clearly identifiable by their bylines and other credits. If in doubt, just ask us. MTFP frequently accompanies articles with photography and photo-illustrations acquired under MTFP’s license with Adobe, Getty Images, or other stock art providers. Such images may not be republished without the republisher’s independent licensure. 


You have to be an accredited news organization. Republication rights for noncommercial and nonprofit websites may be approved by request on a case-by-case basis. 

Online republication of Montana Free Press stories is embargoed until the next calendar date following the date of MTFP’s original publication. 

You must republish the whole story, credit us appropriately, and, if you’re republishing MTFP stories online, include a link to our original publication page. 

You can’t sell the work separately or grant downstream publication rights to other republishers. 

Please do not republish Montana Free Press stories online behind a paywall unless your content management system is unable to accommodate free access. 

Republication of a Montana Free Press story constitutes your agreement to abide by the terms of this republication policy. We reserve the right to revoke an organization’s permission to republish MTFP content for abuse or neglect of these terms. 

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  • All MTFP content republished online or in print must credit “Montana Free Press” in the byline as follows: Author Name, Montana Free Press.
  • All MTFP content republished in print or online must contain the following text at the top or bottom of the story: This story was originally published by Montana Free Press at In online republications, the text must be hyperlinked to the story’s original publication page on
  • Webpages containing digitally republished MTFP content must contain HTML identifying the original article URL published on as the canonical URL. This article provides instructions for adding a canonical URL to your page.
  • All republished MTFP content must contain all the hyperlinks contained in our originally published story. You also can’t add new hyperlinks in our article text. 
  • All stories, graphics, videos, photos, and images produced by Montana Free Press — not including elements labeled as unavailable for republication — must be republished in their integrated entirety. Substantive edits for content or length without MTFP’s express approval prior to republication are not allowed. 
  • You can edit Montana Free Press articles to conform to your house style. You can also change date indicators (“yesterday” to “last week,” for example) and orientation language to account for the time of republication and your readership’s locale. 
  • If you localize an MTFP story with a sidebar or accompanying copy, you must clearly distinguish the localized content from MTFP-produced material. 
  • Story art including photos, illustrations and graphics may not be republished independent of the article they originally accompany. In other words, you can’t keep our photography for your file or future use. Republished story art must be accompanied by its original caption and credit. 
  • All digitally republished MTFP content distributed via newsletter or social media is subject to the terms above. 
  • Some of the above conditions may be waived with advance permission from MTFP. Address republication questions or waiver requests to


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—If you regularly re-publish MTFP content, please consider supporting us so we can continue to make high-quality stories available for free republication. To discuss organizational support for MTFP, please contact Director of Audience Engagement Nate Schoenfelder at